This screensaver will star flows in the screen.
Ad are displayed only in the configuration screen.
[How to use]
Please set the Daydream from Display settings.
How to respond when the operation is no longer
- Do to erase the application data.
- The setting item return to default as described below.
Display/Enable Display is OFF.(Display settings will return to the initial value by the OFF)
[Using permissions]
The following have been used in the Analytics and AdMob of Firebase.
[History] (includes the unpublished.)
2016/05/29 Firebase support.
2015/10/26 Fixed code.
2015/10/20 Add the shape to the setting item.Add the finish time to the setting item.Modification of the drawing process.
2015/10/16 Android 6.0 support. Change Settings screen. Minor code fixes.
2015/10/15 In the current situation Android 6.0 will not work. It's home Please wait because it is in correspondence.
2015/09/12 Slightly modified.(Added the home button in the title bar. Changed the initial value of the acceleration.)
2015/09/12 1.3.0 Added 2k ver.
2015/06/27 1.2.3 Bugfix.
2015/06/26 1.2.2 Bugfix.
2015/06/25 1.2.1 Fixed processing at the time of monochrome blink. (It had been influenced by the color of depth) Add the acceleration ratio(seek bar) of the star.
2015/06/24 1.2.0 To change the display setting method. Add the acceleration of the star.
2015/06/14 1.1.3 The processing conditions it was a little change.
2015/06/13 1.1.2 The lollipop it becomes full screen ON fixed. The default value of hide navigation bar it was changed to OFF.
2015/06/12 1.1.1 Setting activity at blink switch bugfix.
2015/06/12 1.1.0 Additional configuration items(fullscreen and hide navigation bar default is on). play-services 7.5.0 support.
2015/05/26 1.0.7 Layout change of setting screen and optimization of the drawing process.
2015/05/25 1.0.6 Added Minimum size, Minimum speed, Maximum start distance and Near the center to the semi-transparent to setting item.
2015/05/24 1.0.5 Added color depth and afterimage and wait to setting item. lightly drawing process slightly.
2015/04/10 1.0.4 Added color and blink to setting item.
2015/04/06 1.0.3 Append to AndroidManifest.xml.
2015/04/02 1.0.2 Minor code(?) modifications.
2015/03/30 1.0.1 Added style.xml(v21). Append AndroidManifest.xml.
2015/03/16 1.0 Release
Este screensaver vai estrelar flui na tela.
Ad são exibidos apenas na tela de configuração.
[Como usar]
Por favor, defina o Daydream da Definições do visor.
Como para responder quando a operação não é mais
- Fazer para apagar os dados da aplicação.
- O retorno de itens de configuração para o padrão como descrito abaixo.
Mostrar / Ativar ecrã desligado. (Definições do visor voltará ao valor inicial da OFF)
[Usando permissões]
A seguir foram utilizados nas Analytics e AdMob de Firebase.
[Histórico] (inclui o inédito.)
apoio 2016/05/29 Firebase.
2015/10/26 Código fixo.
2015/10/20 Adicionar a forma com a configuração item.Add o tempo de chegada ao item.Modification definição do processo de desenho.
2015/10/16 Android suporte 6.0. tela Alterar configurações. correções de código menor.
2015/10/15 Na actual situação Android 6.0 não vai funcionar. É o lar Aguarde porque está em correspondência.
2015/09/12 ligeiramente modificado. (Adicionado o botão home na barra de título. Mudou o valor inicial da aceleração.)
2015/09/12 1.3.0 Adicionado 2k ver.
2015/06/27 1.2.3 Bugfix.
2015/06/26 1.2.2 Bugfix.
2015/06/25 1.2.1 Processamento fixo no momento da piscar monocromática. (Ele tinha sido influenciado pela cor da profundidade) Adicionar a proporção de aceleração (barra de busca) da estrela.
2015/06/24 1.2.0 Para alterar o método de configuração de exibição. Adicionar a aceleração da estrela.
2015/06/14 1.1.3 As condições de processamento era uma pequena mudança.
2015/06/13 1.1.2 O lollipop torna-se tela cheia ON fixo. O valor padrão de barra de navegação hide foi alterado para OFF.
2015/06/12 atividade 1.1.1 Ambiente na chave piscar bugfix.
2015/06/12 1.1.0 itens de configuração adicionais (tela cheia e se esconder de navegação padrão bar está ligado). play-serviços 7.5.0 apoio.
2015/05/26 1.0.7 Disposição mudança de tela de configuração e otimização do processo de desenho.
2015/05/25 1.0.6 tamanho Adicionado mínima, a velocidade mínima, a distância máxima início e Perto do centro para o semi-transparente para definir item.
2015/05/24 1.0.5 profundidade de cor Adicionado e pós-imagem e esperar para definir item. processo de ânimo leve desenho ligeiramente.
2015/04/10 1.0.4 cor adicionada e piscar de definir item.
2015/04/06 1.0.3 Anexar ao AndroidManifest.xml.
2015/04/02 1.0.2 código secundário (?) Modificações.
2015/03/30 1.0.1 Adicionado style.xml (v21). Anexar AndroidManifest.xml.
2015/03/16 1.0 Release
This screensaver will star flows in the screen.
Ad are displayed only in the configuration screen.
[How to use]
Please set the Daydream from Display settings.
How to respond when the operation is no longer
- Do to erase the application data.
- The setting item return to default as described below.
Display/Enable Display is OFF.(Display settings will return to the initial value by the OFF)
[Using permissions]
The following have been used in the Analytics and AdMob of Firebase.
[History] (includes the unpublished.)
2016/05/29 Firebase support.
2015/10/26 Fixed code.
2015/10/20 Add the shape to the setting item.Add the finish time to the setting item.Modification of the drawing process.
2015/10/16 Android 6.0 support. Change Settings screen. Minor code fixes.
2015/10/15 In the current situation Android 6.0 will not work. It's home Please wait because it is in correspondence.
2015/09/12 Slightly modified.(Added the home button in the title bar. Changed the initial value of the acceleration.)
2015/09/12 1.3.0 Added 2k ver.
2015/06/27 1.2.3 Bugfix.
2015/06/26 1.2.2 Bugfix.
2015/06/25 1.2.1 Fixed processing at the time of monochrome blink. (It had been influenced by the color of depth) Add the acceleration ratio(seek bar) of the star.
2015/06/24 1.2.0 To change the display setting method. Add the acceleration of the star.
2015/06/14 1.1.3 The processing conditions it was a little change.
2015/06/13 1.1.2 The lollipop it becomes full screen ON fixed. The default value of hide navigation bar it was changed to OFF.
2015/06/12 1.1.1 Setting activity at blink switch bugfix.
2015/06/12 1.1.0 Additional configuration items(fullscreen and hide navigation bar default is on). play-services 7.5.0 support.
2015/05/26 1.0.7 Layout change of setting screen and optimization of the drawing process.
2015/05/25 1.0.6 Added Minimum size, Minimum speed, Maximum start distance and Near the center to the semi-transparent to setting item.
2015/05/24 1.0.5 Added color depth and afterimage and wait to setting item. lightly drawing process slightly.
2015/04/10 1.0.4 Added color and blink to setting item.
2015/04/06 1.0.3 Append to AndroidManifest.xml.
2015/04/02 1.0.2 Minor code(?) modifications.
2015/03/30 1.0.1 Added style.xml(v21). Append AndroidManifest.xml.
2015/03/16 1.0 Release